Rubber chart Reference vs reality


CARLOS A Asked 1 year ago

Hello coach , i have a question 

I am looking for rubbers in victas store and i find the D1  snippips and TR triple regular 

Then i saw in the rubber reference (there is in the catalog in the website but i can not insert here the image for some http error 404) the thickness and i think that the numbers of reference have to change whith the thickness that i use but i do not know the reference numbers are for what thickness basis ?

I can explain like this :

the D1 may use 1.3  mm and  max thickness  then i think is impossible that both  rubbers have the same reference numbers in different thickness the same should be for the TR can use 1.8 and max what is the thickness reference for that table ?

thank you

Best regards from Colombia

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 1 year ago

Hi Carlos,

I am not sure what thickness they use as a basis but it is probably 2mm or something close to that.  Some of those charts are very helpful to give you a basic guide to rubbers.  I find though that until you try something it is difficult to say exactly how it will be for you.  That becomes an expensive exercise.

If you can find someone at a club that is using something similar it is worth trying to have a hit with it and see for yourself.


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Thoughts on this question


CARLOS A Posted 1 year ago

thank's a lot  coach


D K Posted 1 year ago

I would like to point out thatthe two rubbers mentioned are ofcompletely different types and therefore are not comparable.

You are comparing a soft to a shortpips rubber.

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