Rubber choice


Kabeer Sayed
Kabeer Sayed Asked 6 years ago

Hi Alois,

I have decided to get the rakza 7 soft rubber 1.8mm for my FH. I am not sure which rubber to use for my backhand. I am thinking of choosing either the Vega pro or Europe.

Could you tell me which is better and the pros and cons of each please?

Can anyone in the comments section give some advice if they have experience with either rubbers?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Kabeer,

I will let our readers help you out.  The Vega Pro is a good rubber for both forehand and backhand attacking.  The Europe would be similar but a little softer sponge.

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Thoughts on this question

Rohan Keogh

Rohan Keogh Posted 6 years ago

Hi Kabeer.  It depends on your backhand style.  Are you a BH attacker, a 2-wing looper, a BH defender, etc.  What BH shots do you rely on in a crucial match? Do you play close to the table most of the time or do you like to move away?  Do you rely on speed to win BH points or placement or variation?

If you can describe you game a bit, you'll get more more relevant responses.



Kabeer Sayed

Kabeer Sayed Posted 6 years ago

I like to play 1-2 metres away from the table and I am a two wing looper.

I rely on placement and speed with my backhand loop.

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