Hi Alois and Jeff,
I got a new bat, the Donic Waldner 600, in which both of its rubbers are 3 stars (it was stated so). I've tried it in a few days, but I'm getting a stingy feeling that the rubber might wear out soon enough in something I've heard it wears about between 80+ hours of playing. I've recently seen a few videos of keeping in touch of how grippy the rubber is. Well, in your video(s), you've showed sigh breathing on the rubber , something like that, and I don't really know if it works. Then lately, I've seen lots of videos wherein its actually needed for a few rubbers to get cleaned because the dirt might actually be the one to affect the grip. So logically, you have to remove the dirt to uncover the cleanliness and the true presence of the grip. But I'm afraid I might stick back into my old problem wherein my special Friendship RITC 729 rubber wore off, but then I got that rubber 2 years ago. Am I really suppose to clean the rubber or am I going to keep putting liquids to add more grip (i.e. Sunflower Oil) because I don't have much time to buy new rubbers until the second week of April? Thanks!
Hi Cloud,
The rubbers on the Donic Waldner 600 are very basic rubbers meant for new players. They are nowhere near the quality of a Friendship 729 so they won't last very long. Certainly not 2 years.
You should still clean them with a little water or your breathing. I don't think Sunflower oil will help.
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Cloud Cledera Posted 12 years ago
Rajesh Sawant Posted 12 years ago
HI Cledera,
Dont use any oil to make rubber tacky, It will finish grip of your rubber and if try to spin ball there will be no friction and ball may drop quickly. Otherside oil will stick dirt particles to rubber and may ruined rubber quickly
Rajesh Suhas Sawant
Joshua DaSilva Posted 12 years ago
thanks for the oil tip so nw i wont put any oil on my rubber