Dear coach,
I'm a short range attacker and i'm using andro kinetic cf light off+ blade with xiom sigma pro and donic coppa x1. these rubbers are severely torn on the edge. i don't know if this affects the tensor but it looks terrible and i want to replace it. i'm considering japanese tensor rubbers like butterfly but i don't know which one to go with except for the tenergy series because those are too expensive for me. which one should i go with for under 50$?
Hi Bill,
You could try the same rubbers again.
Others may have some suggestions for other rubbers. For me you can't go past Vega Pro.
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Bill Hoang Posted 12 years ago
I've tried the vega and its actually quite good. But I'm looking for some rubbers from butterfly.
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
Tenergy is their best rubber by far.