Rubbers for Timo Boll ALC Blade


Tilemachos Efthyvoulou
Tilemachos Efthyvoulou Asked 10 years ago

Last year I was using Stiga Calibra LT (Soft) for both sides with a blade I didn't really like. Because I played a lot, the rubbers "died" in less than a year. This year I bought a Timo Boll ALC blade. I do not know what rubbers to use for it. I like to play aggressively, whilst imparting a lot of spin on my serve and on top spins. I need fast and also spinny rubbers that also have decent control, that will last throughout the season, while playing at around 4 days a week, 2 hours a day. Thanks in advance.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago


You could try Rakza 7.  Any other suggestions?

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