Rule query - Reverse side rubber


Ji-Soo Woo
Ji-Soo Woo Asked 15 years ago

Hi Alois

just a quick rule query... 

I played against an opponent using a penhold racquet.  During the game, he sometimes hit the ball with the backside of his racquet (which had no rubber).  Is it legal to hit off wood?  Or do you have to have rubber on both sides if you want to do the reverse penhold backhand stroke?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Ji-Soo,

You do have to have a legal rubber on the reverse side if you want to hit the ball there.  You are not allowed to hit the ball with the wood.

This is covered in the ITTF rules.  Here is an extract;

2.04.03  A side of the blade used for striking the ball shall be covered with either ordinary pimpled rubber, with pimples outwards having a total thickness including adhesive of not more than 2mm, or sandwich rubber, with pimples inwards or outwards, having a total thickness including adhesive of not more than 4mm.

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