Rules change


somshankar chatterjee
somshankar chatterjee Asked 14 years ago

Do you think that 11 point game system is better than 21 point game system? if yes then please sepcify me in details.

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

I personally like the game being played up to 21. But I think that is because I grew up with that system of scoring. You can read my thoughts on it in my blog Bring back games up to 21.

However I think I am in the minority so I better get used to games up to 11. Most players I ask enjoy the game being played up to 11 and a lot of them have never played a game up to 21. The rules have been in place over 9 years now.

What do other people think? Should Table Tennis be played up to 11 or 21? 

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Service Rules

Many players unknowingly break the service rules in table tennis. In this video, we break down the official ITTF service rules so you can serve correctly and avoid faults. Whether you're a beginner or a competitive player, mastering the rules will give you an edge in your matches!

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Thoughts on this question

Samuel Lim

Samuel Lim Posted 14 years ago

as for me.... i like the 21 scoring rule though i grew up with the 11scoring rule.... the 21 scoring rule could really bring out the best in both players.

Jesus Calle

Jesus Calle Posted 14 years ago

I think that 21 is more boring for the spectator. Also I think that the matches should be, by rule, at least, won by the best of five games.  For amateurs there are lot of tournaments played to the best of three.

Sam Quek

Sam Quek Posted 14 years ago

Don't you think that playing until 21 is very tiring? I still prefer the short-and-sweet 11 points rule. I personally thinks that the 21 points is very tiring and if one player is more physically fit than the other, wouldnt he get more advantage? In addition, if one player is weak and gets tired easily, wouldnt' he be in a disavantage?

Curtis Lewis

Curtis Lewis Posted 14 years ago

Sam, one of the main aspects of sports is physical fitness.  The 21 point scoring does kinda give the more athletic player an advantage, which may be one of the reasons why it was changed to 11 in the first place.  I originally played to 21, but I think the 11 point scoring is better, because it cuts down significantly on the mental and "comeback" game, which I have a lot of problems with.  I usually start getting sloppy after getting a 10 point lead or so, and end up losing the game, so I like 11 better.  Also, it allows for shorter games where you can take a little break and think over your mistakes and your opponent's playing for better adjustments. 

usman rauf

usman rauf Posted 14 years ago

i thnk 21 gam is betr cz if u r losing u hav ample time to turn the tables around..

andrew brand

andrew brand Posted 14 years ago

11 is a short game and over in about 5 minutes usually. but 21 seems very long if u are used to 11. maybe a score in between like 15 would be a good idea?

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