Safe painting on the table


D K Asked 7 years ago

Hello PingSkills Team,

I have noticed that Koji Matsushita uses some table with extra lines for him to aim into.
He has squares painted on the table as seen here

Are you aware of any....chalk or whatever,that can be safely used to draw such squares for me to aim to them too?
I am pretty sure my coach would not allow it and also I would not get sparring for that training,but just in case.


PS:one player from our city greets you and sends you this message: "You are one of the best table tenis coaching sites,because I could improve my backhand game from your videos even without understanding you!! You are awesome!".
Note that said player does not speak English,that is why he asked me to send you this message.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi DK,

You can put a piece of paper on the table.  This will have the same effect.

I am glad that we are able to help players even without English.  Say hello to your friend please.

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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 7 years ago

We tried but it was effective only for serving.
When someone started looping around it the paper just flew out.


OK :)
He especially likes your Smashing videos because he likes playing like "serve- BOOOOOOOOOM"

Jean Balthazar

Jean Balthazar Posted 7 years ago

Why not use masking tape? The kind you use to protect surfaces when you're painting next to them. It's very thin, so I shouldn't change the bounce too much if the ball lands on it, and it's designed to be easily removable without leaving marks on the surface it was put on.

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