Same opponent but different outcomes


Ardak .
Ardak . Asked 5 years ago

Hi coach!

There are usually 3 categories of opponents for me.

1) They beat me easily. No stress because there is nothing I can do.

2) I beat them easily. No stress because there is nothing they can do.

3) Opponents in the same level. Scores are very close. Sometimes I win, sometimes they win. Games are stressful.

Recently I started to play in a new club. There is an opponent with short pimples. I can't understand.

Sometimes our game is close.

Sometimes he plays so good, I feel like I am playing against opponent in the first category above. Scores are approximately 3:11. His serves and shots are unreturnable. He recieves my serves and strokes with ease. Even though I am in a good physical condition, shape.

Sometimes I win him so easily, I feel like I am playing against opponent in the second category above. He can't recieve my serves and shots. I recieves his serves and strokes with ease. Scores are approximately 11:3. Even though he is in a good physical condition.

Have you ever heard about such situation? What is the matter?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 5 years ago

Hi Ardak,

It sounds like a few things may be changing.  Either your form or his or both.

It may be the pimples that were troubling you.  When you play against the pimples there are often smaller margins because of the flatter ball that you get from the pimples.  Try to play with a bit more topspin to give you a greater margin over the net.

Also take look at our tutorial on Help Playing Short Pimpled Rubber.


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Thoughts on this question

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 5 years ago

Thank you coach for reply!

I know it was a strange question, sorry for such question,  I asked this question because I was really surprised. Same strokes, same serves, same recieving movements each time, but veery big difference in difficulty.

Are you suggesting to play with more topspins and decrease number of backspins? Did I understand correct?

I play with hurricane on both sides because most of my opponents without pimples struggles against my backspins. But I struggle against pimples. I noticed that it is harder to play against pimples with hurricane rather than tensor rubbers. 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 5 years ago

I think you can play with both backspin and topspin but when you make the attack, play with more topspin which will be safer.  I think Hurricane is good to play against pimples with.

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