

Darien  Darien
Darien Darien Asked 6 years ago

I try to do spin serves but they don’t have much spin I try different rackets but it’s the same.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Darien,

Focus on getting the contact right first.

Start away from the table and see if you can get the ball to curve.  Then as you start to feel you are getting the ball to curve step up to the table and try to get the same contact.

We cover this and further steps in the Introduction to Serving section of the site.


Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Learning To Spin

We explain the principles behind spin and how you can generate different types of spin with your serve. We also give you some challenges so you can test yourself and see how you are progressing.

Watch Now

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