Serves with a lot of sidespin


Cristh Garrido
Cristh Garrido Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois and Pingskills

i have a friend that is a left handed, shakehand grip, and when i play with him he serves me to my forehand with a forehand sidespin serve, long or short, topspin or backspin.

When i recieve this ball is difficult to me identify the effect because he is a left handed,  i don't have this problem against right handed players, if comes short i don't know if comes with backspin or i don't know if push it or just counterhit it. Finally i try to put the ball i his side but the ball goes out the table (by the sidespin) or very high for him.

The same situation if comes long, i can't identify if the ball comes with topspin or backspin besides the sidespin...generally i hit the ball with a forehand topspin but the effect does that my ball goes out off the side of the backhand of my friend.

please help...besides of the trainings already happened to me in tournaments.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Cristh,

It sounds like you need more experience in receiving this type of serve.  Everyone has a serve that they find more awkward and this is yours.  The best thing is to face it repetitively.  YOu need to watch the contact as well as the flight of the ball.

See if you can watch the Receiving Secrets lessons or purchase the Receiving Secrets DVD so that you can see the important basics that we show during this course.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Returning a Long Sidespin Serve

When your opponent serves long to you with sidespin what is the best way to deal with it? We explain your best options.

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