Alois, What are the forehand serves with short pips ox and backhand serves with long pips ox.
Thanks, Rodrigo
Hi Rodrigo,
With both those types of rubbers you can't generate much spin so it is more about how well you place the ball.
Think about placing the serves to a place on the table that your opponent is going to find difficult. It may be forehand or the backhand side, or short, or long and fast on the table.
This video gives you 3 tips for stopping the aggressive return. 1) Don't serve too short. 2) Keep the ball low. 3) Vary the spin.
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Rodrigo Aromas Posted 9 years ago
Thanks for the advice.
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago
No problems Rodrigo.
Rodrigo Aromas Posted 8 years ago
I'm responding to your answer. You said serve short. Every time I do that, my opponent who uses smooth rubbers flip it over the net fast and win the point. Now, what I do before I serve I watch where he is standing. If he is close to the table, I serve long to the middle.
Three more questions for you, Coach? I have three paddles with different rubbers. ( Combo blade with long pips and short pips ox, combo blade with long pips ox and smooth .05 mm sponge, all round blade with medium pops ox and short pips ox. I'm just testing against different opponents. Can I use different paddle after each set to confuse my opponent?
Second question. When I can twiddle these paddles? I have been playing combo rubbers for two years.
Third question. What do you suggest when I warming against my opponent? I do not want my opponent to get use to my rubbers before the tournament.
I am thanking you for your professional advice.
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago
Hi rodrigo,
It is great that you are varying your serves. This is important. We usually recommend a mix of about 70% short and the rest long serves.
You are allowed to change bats after a match but not between games. You have to use the same bat against an opponent unless you accidentally damage it during the match.
You can twiddle at any time. It is a matter of checking to see what works best against a particular opponent.
You can just use one side while warming up before a match if you don't want them to get used to one particular side.
I hope this all helps.
Rodrigo Aromas Posted 8 years ago
Coach, Once again, thank you for your professional advice.
HAI NGUYEN Posted 3 years ago
Hello Coach, I use inverted rubber for my FH; short pip for my BH. Can i use BH serve with my short pips?
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 3 years ago
Hi Hai,
Yes you can use the pimple rubber for serves. In fact players often misjudge the amount of spin generated by the pimples so there serves can be deceptive and effective.
D K Posted 3 years ago
Rodrigo,I think you should try to stick to ONE bat. Frequent changing bats ruins your own technique and consistency.
Remember that the bat plays only as good as its wielder.
For the services,maybe you should try to perform standard "spinny motion",as if you were using a normal rubber. You can expect some more errors then.
If serving with pips,especially longpips,take extra care about HEIGHT of the serve-that can be reason why your opponents flip it.
D K Posted 3 years ago
(I mean,some more errors from opponents :D )