Service Contact Height


thomas mcnamara
thomas mcnamara Asked 5 years ago

Hi Coach. What do you think is the optimal contact point to hit serves? In other words, height of the net for backspin and slightly lower for top and side spins? Or do you use inches off the table as a guide or position on the body, like belly button? Thanks.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 5 years ago

Hi Thomas,

If you watch the better players when they are serving you will notice they hit the ball at around twice the height of the net.  By the time they hit this into the table it then bounces low over the net on its trajectory.

It is difficult to talk about it in relation to your body as it depends on how tall you are and also how much you are bent over on contact.

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Legal and Effective Serves for Beginners

Serving effectively while staying within the rules is crucial to improving your table tennis game. In this video, we simplify the essential serving rules you need to know and share tips to add pace and precision to your serves. Whether you're a beginner or looking to fine-tune your skills, this guide will help you master serves that are both legal and powerful.

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Thoughts on this question

thomas mcnamara

thomas mcnamara Posted 5 years ago

Thanks Alois. I never would have guessed that it's generally contacted about a foot from the table. I just assumed to keep it low it was a  much lower contact. Of course, it makes sense as you can adjust with your bat angle, contact, and body position. This does give you more room for error and variety. Fantastic tip! Thanks again.  

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 5 years ago

No problems Thomas.

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