service rule


tom foster
tom foster Asked 14 years ago


my coach say that im not allowed to pass the end of the table during my serve, but i thought it was only the ball that has to by behind the end line. when i watch ma long or wang hao serve their bodies dont seem to be behind the endline

does my body have to be behind the endline during my serve?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Jimmy,

It no longer says that you have to be behind the end line. The ball does need to be behind the end line from the start of the serve till you hit it.  So you can go around the side of the table to serve the ball as long as you keep the ball behind the end line. 

Of course you don't want to get too far around the side because it will make it more difficult to get ready for the next ball. 

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