Serving - Ball path


NAGA KAMBAPU Asked 14 years ago

At the very beginning of the 'serving techniques' video, you mentioned that the serve is illegal when you toss the ball in such a way that it does not follow a straight line path.

 But in all the pendulum serves and in most other techniques of serves, I saw that the ball is seen in an inverted V loop. Am I missing something?

- Kalyan 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Kalyan,

You are right.  This is something that wasn't policed that much when we both played so we have a bad habit.

The umpires can allow a little wayward toss as long as it is almost vertical.

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Thoughts on this question

Rahul Ramesh

Rahul Ramesh Posted 14 years ago

hi Kalyan,

I noticed that when you toss the ball backwards you get the full rotation for a pendulum serve.

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