

Henry Smith
Henry Smith Asked 10 years ago

Hey once again guys,

I would like to ask what is a decent effective serve? Thanks.

Also keep doing what your doing your great!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Henry,

I think the easiest serve to learn is the Pendulum serve.  To do this you need to alter the grip by taking your 3 fingers off the handle and make fist behind the handle.
Then start with your arm up at shoulder level and use your forearm like a pendulum.  We go through this in our lessons on Serving Secrets.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Pendulum Serve

The pendulum serve is the most popular serve in all of Table Tennis. In this lesson we teach you the important principles and how to vary the serve between backspin, sidespin and topspin.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Henry Smith

Henry Smith Posted 10 years ago


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