

anton andersson
anton andersson Asked 15 years ago

Hi i want to be really good at Table Tennis so I wonder which serve is the best. Reverse pendulum, ghost serve or normal pendulum?

if you have trouble to read this I'm from sweden and I am already good at Table Tennis but i want to know more.

Thank you.

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 15 years ago

Hi Anton,

It is great to hear you are a good Table Tennis player and still wanting to learn more. Having the right attitude and always wanting to improve your game is really important if you are going to continue to improve.

With regards to what is the best serve, that is an easy one. The best serve is the one that your opponent has the most difficulty with. It is really important to remember this fact. If you have a really complicated serve but your opponent always returns it well, then try something different. Serve a different serve or serve to a different position.

By learning more serves, you will be have more options to trouble your opponent. That is why we suggest that you practice your serve every time you train.

Good luck with your training and make sure you keep that great learning spirit alive. 

If you want to learn a range of serves and incorporate serving into each of your training sessions, then grab yourself a copy of our Secrets Revealed DVD Pack

Recommended Video

Basic Serving Strategy

In this video you will learn about basic serving strategies such as serving wide on either side. It is also important to not always serve to the same spot and to make sure you are always varying your service location.

Watch Now

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