serving confusion


farhoud Sixi
farhoud Sixi Asked 15 years ago

hi coach,

 i know that im supposed to keep a loose wrist when serving and hit it fast to create spin, but how can i hit fast with a loose grip, i just find it harder to create spin, any suggestions? thx

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago


Yes, keep a good grip with your fingers but keep your wrist relaxed.  You need maximum range of movement and speed with your wrist.

This takes practice to get the right balance of effort and relaxation.

Recommended Video

Can You Hide Your Serve? The Official Rule Explained

Are you allowed to hide your serve in table tennis? 🤔 Let’s break down the official rules and clear up any confusion! In this video, we explain:

✅ What the ITTF rules say about hiding your serve
✅ Why hidden serves are illegal and how umpires enforce the rule
✅ What you can (and can’t) do when serving in a match

Mastering a legal serve is key to fair play and improving your game. Watch now to make sure you’re not unintentionally breaking the rules! 🏓

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Andrew T

Andrew T Posted 15 years ago

Two things could potentially going wrong: You might be focusing so hard on keeping a loose wrist and quick stroke that you are actually tightening your wrist as you swing.  To fix this practice spin serving really slowly but with wrist action to get used to it.  It is okay if your serves don't make it over the net at first, just adjust the stroke. and then begin building speed.

The other thing that you might be doing is contacting the ball too squarely.  Even with a loose wrist if you hit the ball forward enough, it won't really spin that much.  Try hitting the sides of the ball more to see how much sidespin you can create, as (at least for me) sidespin is the easiest to generate initially.  Then when you figure that out work on creating the same brushing contact but under the ball for backspin or under-sidespin.  

Good Luck!!

farhoud Sixi

farhoud Sixi Posted 15 years ago

 i hold with thumb and index finger to allow  full wrist movement

maybe im holding it 2 loose,

Jon Unknown

Jon Unknown Posted 15 years ago

this one takes a lot and a lot of practice. You need to just brush the ball. You need to 'snap it' on contact, that's why you need a relaxed grip.

How strong a grip? Imagine you picking up a piece of chocolate from the table and bringing it to your mouth. No more or less grip then that.

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