Serving from beside the table


Tamas Goltl
Tamas Goltl Asked 12 years ago

Please tell me, when I stand on my side, behind the basic, ground line of the table but at the same time beside of the table's one side line too and when I make the serve, (hit the ball) the ball also starts its way from over the table's one side line (but behind the basic-ground line of my side): is that a correct serve or not? I think it is correct but my opponent says it is not and he says every referee also would say that it is incorrect serve. Thank you for your helping and have a nice day! Tamas :)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Tamas,

When you serve the ball has to be behind the end line of the table or the continuation of that end line.  So you can be a long way off to the side away from the table as long as you are behind the imaginary continuation of the end line.

Let me know if this answers your question fully.

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Thoughts on this question

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

This also means that you can have some of your body in front of the end line, down the side of the table, so long as the ball remains behind the end line. 

Tamas Goltl

Tamas Goltl Posted 12 years ago

Thank you very much guys, now I can show this answer to my fellow opponent and whatch his face while he is reading it... :)

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