Serving grip


david iluz
david iluz Asked 10 years ago

Hi Alois

When i started playing table tennis my coach told me to hold the bat differently when i am serving, but in my last competition i felt that i didn’t manage to change the grip on the bat fast enough after i am serving, so when my oponnent returns my serve i don't feel comfartable and it damages my game.

I served this way for many years so changing the way i'm serving will be like starting to learn table tennis all over again. So what can i do about that?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi David,

It is worth spending the time to change this area of your game.  In training, just practice the changing form the serve to the next ball then stop the rally.  Repeat this many times in 10 minutes or so each training session you have.  You will soon find a change that you will be able to maintain in your game.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Learning To Spin

We explain the principles behind spin and how you can generate different types of spin with your serve. We also give you some challenges so you can test yourself and see how you are progressing.

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Thoughts on this question

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi David,

We've answered this question in Episode 3 of our Ask the Coach Show.

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