Serving practice


Thomas McCann
Thomas McCann Asked 14 years ago

What is the best way to practice serving on your own? Should i be using targets?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Thomas,

Firstly get as many balls as you can.  50 is great but anything more than 10 is good.

Then set up your targets in a position that you are trying to serve to.  Make sure these areas are safe areas to serve to.  Either short or very long.  Take a look at the lesson on Serve Placement to make sure you are practicing serving to good positions. 

You should try to do some serving practice each time you practice.  It is probably the most important stroke of Table Tennis. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Service Tactics

What serves should you use during a match? How often should you use your best serve? Listen to Alois answer these questions and more.

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