Serving rule hiding the ball


alex fernandez
alex fernandez Asked 11 years ago

in the service, when I have the ball in the palm of my hand, my body can be ahead of the ball or my body has to be in the same level of the ball, except my arm my leg and head farther away from line?
i know that in the serve hit, my body has to be in the same level of the ball except my arm, my leg and my head farthest from my bottom line.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Alex,

This is the rule.

2.06.04  From the start of service until it is struck, the ball shall be above the level of the playing surface and behind the server's end line, and it shall not be hidden from the receiver by the server or his or her doubles partner or by anything they wear or carry. 
2.06.05  As soon as the ball has been projected, the server’s free arm and hand shall be removed from the space between the ball and the net. 
The space between the ball and the net is defined by the ball, the net and its indefinite upward extension. 

So you can have a part of the body ahead of the ball it is just not allowed to be between the ball and the net.

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Thoughts on this question

alex fernandez

alex fernandez Posted 11 years ago

then, when I have the ball in the palm of my hand, my body can be ahead of the ball, my body can then be in the sidelines and my palm of my hand and the ball, they will be on the table and behind end of line
this is right???

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Yes that is OK.

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