Serving with Concentration


fekie adila
fekie adila Asked 14 years ago

How do I determine the standard service a good table tennis,
whether there are standards for service?
Because I want to conduct research on Concentration relationships with service at table tennis sport..
Please answer.
Thank you.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago


The measures are accuracy of placement and height and spin.  You could put targets on the table and a string across above the net to see if they are hitting their target and keeping the ball low under the string.

Spin can be measured by the flight of the ball and the path it takes on the second, third and subsequent bounces.  You could track the path of the ball after service. 

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Ma Lin Ghost Serve Bat Angle

This tip on getting the bat angle right will make the biggest difference in getting the ball to spin back towards you.

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Thoughts on this question

fekie adila

fekie adila Posted 14 years ago

Thank you...

Whether there is a reference book to guide me to do research on good service?

Thanks a lot.

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