Serving with curve


dipayan Chowdhury
dipayan Chowdhury Asked 8 years ago

Hello, my question is about the swings you get while serving. I see people playing and also played with them. What I found out is that while serving they do something and there ball gives a bit of curve when it touches the opponents side.How do I counter it?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Dipayan,

If the ball is curving they are putting sidespin on the ball.

To get this ball back you need to angle your bat sideways to counteract the sidespin.  Don't try to do too much with it just use the angle of your racket to steer the ball back.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Receiving Options

There are 3 main strokes you can play when returning serve, a push, a flick and a topspin. We discuss these options in detail.

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