I have trouble generating heavy backspin on my short backhand serve, ie getting ball to come back on the table. I can get decent topspin and side spin, and can generate heavy backspin on my FH serve, but cannot do this on BH. Any hints? A video would be great.
Hi Lukasz,
The backhand is harder to generate spin with because you are using your wrist in a sideways action. You really need to flick your wrist through to get more spin on this and really brush under the ball.
To get it to come back you can hit the ball will less forward momentum so it will grip the table easier and come back, but this is not really generating any more spin, it just looks better.
The great Jan Ove Waldner was the greatest server of all time. Take a look into one of his secrets to his serving success.
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Lukasz Drazdzewski Posted 12 years ago
very helpful, especially the looking great bit
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
No problems Lukasz. Let me know how it progresses.