Short pimples


Simon Lewis
Simon Lewis Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,
I was wondering about the characteristics of a short pimple rubber. I really struggle with my backhand when trying to generate a solid backhand loop. I have practised and practised, but still struggle. A short pimple rubber on my backhand is an option I have been thinking about. How is it best to use these?  
Currently on my backhand, I tend to block a lot, and hit through balls. I tend not to go for a backhand loop unless I am feeling very confident. Long, slight backspin balls I tend to be able to pick up, but heavy chop to the backhand messes me up regularly.
What do you suggest? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Simon,

Short pimple rubber is good for blocking and hitting through the ball.  It is not so good for topspin. It may suit your backhand strokes.

The short pimples makes it easier to receive spin as the pimples are not as effected by spin as inverted rubber.

Take a look at the lesson we have on the Effects of Rubbers.  This will also help you. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Replacing Your Rubber

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