

Anton Strand
Anton Strand Asked 6 years ago


I won a tournament a while ago. I guy game to me and said that I'm not allowed to play with long pants and that it's said on the rules that you need to play with shorts. Well I have been in tournaments housted by the same people who housted this one and I have even talked with the same guy who said I need to play with shorts and I have seen other players play with long pants but I have never heard anyone complain about that before ( The guy who said I need to play with shorts hasn't told me that before). So is there a rule that says you need to play with shorts or not?

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Anton,

For International competitions the rules do state that: Playing clothing shall consist of a short-sleeved or sleeveless shirt and shorts or skirt or one-part sports outfits, socks and playing shoes; other garments, such as part or all of a tracksuit, shall not be worn during play except with the permission of the referee.

However, often in small tournaments they will allow different types of clothing.  It is up to the Referee at that event.

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