Should I try short pimples


Erwin lovesplayingtt
Erwin lovesplayingtt Asked 7 years ago

I consider myself more of a BH-orientated player than a FH. i try to cover more than 60% of the table with my BH to block, push-counterdrive and receiving serves. With FH, I only block and loop. 

Somebody suggested that my style of play would be suited for short pimples on the backhand. Because my BH loop isn't so strong , I'm considering it.

Is this something you would advise as well to someone with this style of play?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Erwin,

It is worth a try.  If you don't topspin not he backhand and like to play faster then short pimples can work for you.

The only way to really know though is to give it a try.

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Thoughts on this question

Tommy Edwards

Tommy Edwards Posted 7 years ago

Short pips are really good at countering and playing flat, but the biggest weakness is when playing far from the table. If your playstyle tends to take few steps back from the table, short pips might not suit you.

Erwin lovesplayingtt

Erwin lovesplayingtt Posted 7 years ago

I do tend to take a step backwards when i try a FH loop. Would that be a problem?


D K Posted 7 years ago

if you can return back to the table when the opponent targets your backhand after that,then it does not seem like a problem at least to me.

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