

akshat kamat
akshat kamat Asked 11 years ago

Hello coach

Because of u i have won 10 consecutive games in school.  Its all because of your videos that i have been able to win such a great deal.But i have one question. How to put sidespin on the ball?  

How to put sidespin to to curve to the left and to the right?

Hope I didn't irritate u too much. I am a beginner so I ask so many questions.Hope u don 't mind?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Akshat,

I am glad that you are doing so well in your matches.

To get sidespin you need to brush the ball sideways.  Try this away from the table first.  See if you can get the ball to curve in the air.  That means you are getting sidespin on the ball.

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Thoughts on this question

akshat kamat

akshat kamat Posted 11 years ago

Thanks.Now i ll make it even more difficult for my opponent.


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