Sidespin serves - opponents return


thijs gruwez
thijs gruwez Asked 9 years ago


I have lot’s of serves that have much sidespin (tomahawk serves, pendulum serves and an Ovcharov in a much more basic version let’s say ( J ) ).

I’m trying to figure out which serve I could use that is the safe in terms that less people would try to attack immediately on the return. Because the people that are used to the serves after a while are sometimes bringing me into trouble.

example: when I give a pendulum topspin across, It’s either

1) long & often fast towards the corner of the table.

2) shorter and crossing the side of the table halfway the opponents side.

In both cases the opponent sometimes chop the ball back and then it’s hard for me to attack or smash that ball.

I do know short serves are more safe in general because long means the opponent can attack.

But where should I focus on when doing topspin serves? Are there any basic rules to consider?

Should I try to give shorter topspin serves?

Should I make sure that the ball doesn't cross the side of the table?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Thijs,

I think you would be better focusing on serving with backspin rather than Topspin.  Also keeping the serve short is also a key.

If you can develop a good short backspin serve you will trouble a lot of players.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Easiest Backspin Serve For a Beginner

We show you how to get some backspin on the serve and a good way to start to get this to be effective in your game.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Nagaraj Hegde

Nagaraj Hegde Posted 9 years ago

It is a good thing if ur opponent chops. if that is a good chop, just chop it back to him. if that chop does not have much backspin, go for the flick. ull gain the advantage with the flick. (that is the way i play) Alois, is this way of playing ok, or do i need to make some changes.?

Daniel Bibeau

Daniel Bibeau Posted 9 years ago

In my opinion Nagaraj you a correct pending the return is short.... any long backspin returns can be attacked by driving and generally the first to drive takes initiative and has advantage of attacking. 

That i assume is the logic behind Alois' advice of serving short backspin... nearly impossible to attack so opponent is forced to cut ball back short which is not all that easy to do... well maybe for Alois and Jeff it is... 

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