Sidespin topspin serve


Nathan Wu
Nathan Wu Asked 10 months ago

Hi Pingskills, 

How do I do the sidespin with topspin serve?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 months ago

Hi Nathan,

Position your racket so that it’s slightly closed (angled forward), which is crucial for generating topspin. For the sidespin, you will need to strike the ball on the side slightly towards the top. Imagine aiming your racket at around a 45-degree angle to your target point on the table.  Your wrist plays a key role here; a quick wrist snap adds spin and speed to the serve.

Take a look at the Introduction to Serving Section of the site which will explain the skill for you.

Like all technical skills in table tennis, mastering the sidespin-topspin serve requires practice. Pay attention to how the ball reacts when you change your racket angle, the speed of your arm, and the point of contact. Notice what works and refine your technique gradually. Practicing with a specific goal in mind, such as aiming for certain areas on the opponent’s side of the table, can also be incredibly helpful. This will not only improve your precision but also your ability to read and react during actual match play. Keep practicing, Nathan, and you'll see your serves becoming more effective over time.

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