Single bounce or risk of net


Dieter Verhofstadt
Dieter Verhofstadt Asked 10 years ago

Dear Alois

I have been training for a long time on a pendulum serve, diagonal with mostly backspin, with double bounce or more. Let's say I've done 10 sessions of 100 serves each. The results are converging to a 80% success rate, about 15% into the net and 5% single bounce. Here's a summary of the technique I'm using:

  1. toss about man's height
  2. good backswing
  3. contact at net height
  4. contact with tip of bat
  5. swing through with wrist action
  6. aim for first bounce close to the net

I can decrease the rate of the ball going into the net by increasing the contact height. This will however automatically increase the single bounce rate - they seem to be communicating vessels. I can make it bounce 3 times or even return by increasing the backswing and refining the contact point, but it will increase my net failure rate.

A 80% success rate makes me wary of using the technique in matches, where I will invariably make contact higher and less brushing, resulting in a pushy short ball without much spin.

How to improve the numbers and restore confidence so that I can use the same serve in matches?

Thanks a lot.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Dieter,

You can start to hit the ball more directly into your side of the table, closer to you and also faster.  Still focus on the contact being a fine brush at the bottom of the ball.

It just takes time to get these fine skills right and to a level where you are confident to use it in a tight match.

You are at the early stages of getting the feel of generating backspin.  Now you need to progress to a more match type of serve.  You can still use the slower serve sometimes in a match where the ball bounces closer to the net but in general try to get the ball bouncing closer to you.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

No Spin Serve

It may sound like a bad idea but the no spin serve can be effective when put together with a range of spin serves. In fact, this is a must have in your arsenal of serves.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Jean Balthazar

Jean Balthazar Posted 10 years ago

Hi Dieter and Alois,

While I understand and agree that hitting harder and closer to your end line will give more more spin and speed, it still somehow feels contradictory with the second main goal of a short serve, which is to bounce as low as possible on the opponent's side, to forbid as much as possible any direct attack. This would be much easier to draw than to write, but as the trajectory after the first bounce has more or less a bell shape, hitting it close to the end line, getting it over the net and still keeping it short means that the top of the curve, and accordingly the next bounce, will have to be quite high.

This may be an extreme ant atypical example, but when you look at Ma Lin's "ghost serve", the first bounce is always at least on the middle of the table, if not closer to the net (this can be seen very well on the very first serve of this video:

Or are we saying that faster short serves (hit close to the server's end line), even with a higher bounce on the opponent's side, are still more efficient than lower bouncing but slower and less spiny short serves (hit closer to the net on the server's side)?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi Jean,

The bounce closer to the net makes the serve a lot slower.  The faster short serves do hit closer to your own end line.

I suspect that Ma Lin in that famous video is serving with softer training balls that have a much better capacity to come back fast.

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

To add to that Jean, the serve that bounces closer to your end line and just skims the net can still bounce twice but may be deeper on the table than the short serve in the famous Ma Lin video, and bounces deeper for the second bounce makes it harder to return short. So a short fast serve I think is the best type of short serve (as Alois said a slower serve can be good for variation). Try it out and let me know if it works for you.

Dieter Verhofstadt

Dieter Verhofstadt Posted 10 years ago

Indeed, I've observed at top level the serves are "half long" as they call it in our club, meaning the 2nd bounce at their end is close to the edge of the table. This is also what our club coaches advocate.
So perhaps I should continue practicing slow spinny serves with triple bounce or more, merely to gauge the amount of spin I'm able to generate, but eventually moving to the half long serves, with the highest amount of spin possible.

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