Slow or fast style


eugene lu
eugene lu Asked 7 years ago

Hi coaches,

Recently I've found out that I'm a very slow moving player and I easily get overpowered by fast players for example girls. But then, I've seen some very slow moving players that are very strong who can beat a lot of fast players. I want to know how are they successful with this style but I get over speed by these fast players.

Also, should I work on being faster or improving my slow game?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Eugene,

There are different styles of player.  Vladimir Samsonov can still match it with the best in the world even though he plays slower than Ma Long and Xu Xin.  The key is to work on tracing the ball well and developing your style of play.  You can take a half step away from the table to give yourself more time to play the strokes.

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Thoughts on this question

eugene lu

eugene lu Posted 7 years ago

Thanks alois

This reminds me. Should I play a style like timo boll. Where he plays powerful topspins on both sides and being extremely consistent by moving his opponents around. Or should I play a ma long style where tries to finish the point as soon as possible. In your opinion, which is easier and more effective

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

What do you feel comfortable doing and what works most effectively for you? This is the important consideration.  They are both viable styles.

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