

milan bhatt
milan bhatt Asked 13 years ago

how to hit a backhand smash in a spin

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Milan,

If you are trying to hit the backhand hard, then work on the speed of your racket.  You need to make sure that the ball is high enough to make the smash.  The Backhand smash is a shot that really isn;t used much.  If the ball is high enough to smash it will usually give you enough time to step around and use your forehand which is more reliable. 

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Advanced Forehand Topspin

Once you've mastered the start and finish position of the forehand topspin, you can start to focus on finer details. In this video we talk about the position of your legs, weight transfer, varying the finish position, incorporating footwork, the use of your wrist, and the angle of your bat for the stroke.

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