smash and top spin


ryan ray
ryan ray Asked 13 years ago

how to do a fast and hard smash in the table????....and how to do top spin very well

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Ryan,

To make  smash yo first need to make sure the ball is high enough over the net and you have enough time.  This is a big stroke that requires a bit of time to prepare.

To make the stroke start with your bat up quite high, around shoulder level.  Then contact the ball flat and fast with your bat coming forward on the stroke.

The biggest thing I find with the smash is that players don't take the time to get their feet into position properly.

Take a look at our lesson on the Forehand Smash for some more tips.

The topspin is also a technical stroke.  You need to brush the ball on contact and have a low start and a high finish to the stroke.  The best way for me to show you is in our lesson on the Forehand Topspin.  I hope this all helps you to improve your game.

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Advanced Backhand Topspin

Learn how to use your wrist, forearm, and hips to generate more speed on your backhand topspin.

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