Smashing the return


Chee Koo
Chee Koo Asked 13 years ago

Dear coach,you know yesterday (Saturday) I played table tennis with my dad and uncle.When my uncle serve a fast ball,I just smash it.....AND A IN!!!!!!!!!That serve is pretty low.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Chee,

If the ball is long, meaning it has only bounced once on your side of the table it is a good idea to attack it.  you can either use a topspin or if it is a little higher then I would recommend a smash.  Try not to smash too many low balls because it become a bit risky. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Returning Examples Commentary

Alois and Jeff commentate on some footage of Alois returning serves and explain his thought process as he gets ready and then executes his return of serve.

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Thoughts on this question

Chee Koo

Chee Koo Posted 13 years ago

Thanks coach and I use the forehand smash to block it.


D K Posted 9 years ago

Although it is very difficult to smash low balls it is still possible to master it

I have once talked about a player who specialises in such a stroke.

He even learned how to use a smash-like stroke against the strong low backspin.

The most experienced player in my team once said that it is possible to use every stroke against every stroke,only in some cases it is more difficult,with the exception of push,because he does not think the a good player need a push,so he does not consider it a table tennis stroke
Alois,Jeff,do you think that thisis true,that every stroke can be used against every stroke,only with differences in terms of diffivulty?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

You can play most strokes against any ball but some get really difficult.

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