Smashing with (slight) topspin


Lukasz Drazdzewski
Lukasz Drazdzewski Asked 12 years ago

I find it a bit easier to use a slight topspin stroke when smashing a high ball from my forehand side, probably because I have used that stroke on many occasions or perhaps because I do not position my feet correctly to use the flat stroke, standing fairly square on in relation to the ball.

Is there a particular advantage of using the flat stroke?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Lukasz,

The main advantage to hitting the ball flat is that the ball travels faster.  If you put a bit of topspin on the ball the ball will be a bit slower but the stroke will probably be a bit safer.

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Thoughts on this question

Lukasz Drazdzewski

Lukasz Drazdzewski Posted 12 years ago

Got it, thanks

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