Spin Drive Vs.Flat Drive


Felix De Guzman
Felix De Guzman Asked 10 years ago

good day coach...I have a question...on which is better for us to use when we attack...the "SPIN DRIVE" or the "FLAT drive".. What will you recommend us to use with this two kinds of drive?

in TERMS of: 1.percentage of success of the attack

                     2.easier to perform

                     3.harder for our opponent to counter or block the attack

                     4.in driving(smash) a rotating ball (chop, top spin, side spin, spiral and combinations)

                     5.in driving(smash) a fast moving ball w/out any rotation

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Felix,

It is better to work on the topspin because you can add more speed and still have safety.  Only when the ball is higher should you flatten out the contact.  You will see that the better players very rarely use a flat ball.  Most of the tie they have some degree of topspin on their shots.

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Advanced Backhand Topspin

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Thoughts on this question

Felix De Guzman

Felix De Guzman Posted 10 years ago

thank you coach

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