Spin on Pendulum Serve


Ryan Bhattacharya
Ryan Bhattacharya Asked 4 years ago

I have been trying to spin it fast but it seems to spin after the third drop. So, If I am serving it gets to corner, falls off from the other side of the table and then spin sideways. Similar for Reverse Pendulum Serve. Any idea why and how to make it curve it in flight?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Ryan,

The spin is on the ball all the way through.  It just doesn't turn straight away because it's forward momentum.

If it hits your opponent's bat after the first bounce it will still have good effect on their rubber and make it difficult for them to deal with.

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Thoughts on this question

Ryan Bhattacharya

Ryan Bhattacharya Posted 3 years ago

Yes. I noticed that. In reverse pendulum serve other player think that it has no spin except backspin. But whenever they flick straight Ball shoots away from the table in the opposite direction of the spin. Since I mix up placement, serve and speed, I am not attacked 80% of the time.


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