Spinny rubbers


Alex Horscroft
Alex Horscroft Asked 13 years ago

I have tried the following rubbers: Bryce speed, tenergy 64, tenergy 05, tenergy 05fx acuda s2 acuda s3 the list goes on......

I am in a league with people who have over 40 years on me who have a very slow spinny controlled game, and i have finally admitted to my self that my bryce speed and michael maze blade is just to fast to play against these people with.

Whilst i think tenergy is fairly spinny, it doesnt have that grippy feel, with the use of cleaner most of the spin is lost at the 3 month mark, thats dreadful, someone at my club uses a rubber called andro revolution exclusive product, i looked it up and its a discontinues rubber, so i am thinking about buying the later version andro revo fire, any thoughts, does anybody know anything about this rubber ?????. Usually i wouldn't buy a rubber i know next to nothing about, but the guy says he has had it for 3 years and never cleaned it..... so its good quality please help i am very confused....

thanks Alex 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Alex,

I don't know about this rubber.  If anyone can help out Alex that would be great.

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