Sir thanks for the video. Now I want to know something about the standing position from the table. It will be very helpful if you tell it in terms of the no. of foot steps i will have to move from the table to play. I saw from the video that Jeff Sir is flicking the backhand wrist while finishing. If i don't what will be the problem ?
Hi Aishik,
You should stand where you can just touch the table when you are in the Ready position.
You should be across the table where you can just touch the middle line with your bat. This will put you in a good position to reach any ball with just one step.
For the backhand at first you can have a steady wrist. If you have more time and want more power and spin you can allow your wrist to come through like Jeff does.
There are 3 basic areas to focus on when learning a stroke: 1) The position of your feet. 2) The starting position of your bat. 3) The finishing position of your bat. Of all these 3 elements the finish position is the most critical. Watch this video to find out why.
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martinand bernard Posted 9 years ago
I stand in the middle of the table and I see it's not a good position, to hard to go to the backhand and a lot of balls arrive near my elbow.
Yes, you probably need a little towards the backhand side.