Static electricity on balls


tim gerg
tim gerg Asked 8 months ago

I notice when I play at the rec center that sometimes when you throw the ball up to serve, the ball sort of sticks to your hand and doesn't toss up as high as you wanted. It seems to be because of static electricity. I know the balls get old and dusty sometimes. Have you any thoughts on that?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 months ago

Hi Tim,

You’ve made a keen observation about the way the ball behaves, and you’re absolutely right that static electricity can play a part in this. This is more noticeable in dry environments where static can build up more easily, such as in heated indoor areas during the winter. Here are a few tips to mitigate this issue:

Before playing, try wiping down the balls with a slightly damp cloth. This can help reduce the static charge and dust accumulation.

Make sure your hands are clean and not too dry. Applying a small amount of lotion can help, but be careful not to have them too greasy or wet which could affect your grip.

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How To Improve Skills Against Fast Balls

Practice is the key to gain skills against fast balls. We recommend using multi-ball to do this. Watch the video for more information.

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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 8 months ago

It can also stick to the hand due to sweat too

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