Stopping my opponent smashing


Diego Unknown
Diego Unknown Asked 16 years ago

I wanted to know how to mantain the ball low so that my opponent dosen't return with a smash. This has become a problem for me.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Diego,

This may sound silly but the best way to get the ball low is to aim low.  Try it!

Sometimes we get too technical about things in table tennis.  If you follow this advice you will start to focus on the height of the ball and you will adjust naturally.

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I Can't Return That Smash!

If you're having trouble returning a smash, you are not alone. The secret is to stop your opponent from attacking in the first place. Improve your short game and you will become the attacker!

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Thoughts on this question

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 16 years ago
Hi Diego, The other thing you can try to stop your opponent from smashing the ball is to impart backspin on the ball. Take a look at the backhand push and forehand push lessons. You can really only play these strokes against backspin balls but it helps to keep the ball low and the backspin makes it harder for your opponent to attack the ball. This is because the backspin grips into your opponents rubber and drags the ball down. Serving with backspin is also an effective strategy to minimize your opponents attacking opportunities.

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