Stopping the sidespin on forehand


revantha vishnu
revantha vishnu Asked 10 years ago

Hi guys,

I am having a bit of trouble with my Topspin stroke. recently i have started to practice topspin against backspin balls and i was not able to lift the balls to the other side.. either it falls before the net or outside the board. so i asked a couple of my friends to watch my topspin and they said that i always do topspin mixed with sidespin which makes it tough to lift the ball.

Later i realized that i always do topspin with sidepsin and i never do a plain topspin.

i tried your advice of watching the finishing position and it didnt help. How do i correct myself to do a correct plain topspin.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

HI Revantha,

The sidespin if often fixed with the start position.  Try to think about the bat facing directly to where you want the ball to go.  Often is you are putting sidespin on it your bat is facing a bit to the left at the start of the stroke.  Also think about moving your bat forward first until you hit the ball and then going up to your finish position.  I find that helps.

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