Strangest Serve


Esteban Mendez
Esteban Mendez Asked 11 years ago

What was the strangest looking serve you've ever seen?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Esteban,

I think when I first saw the Reverse Tomahawk by Kenta I found it strange.

I wonder what others think...

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Easiest Backspin Serve For a Beginner

We show you how to get some backspin on the serve and a good way to start to get this to be effective in your game.

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Thoughts on this question

Michael McKendry

Michael McKendry Posted 11 years ago


Does anyone do a reverse BH serve (side-spinning the same way as a pendulum)?.

I do this serve, I have not seen anyone do one, from my club anyway. It is the strangest serve I have ever done.

btw: what is a ghost serve?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

I have seen a few players do this serve as a variation to the Pendulum serve.  In fact a player I played in Junior competition in 1974 used to do it.

The Ghost serve is just a slow backspin serve where the ball stops and comes back to you.

DHS Lover

DHS Lover Posted 11 years ago

the strange serve for me is Float serve and i don't know how to do it !
sir jeff, can you make a video of that serve as i want to see it...

thanks :D

Marian Stang

Marian Stang Posted 11 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff! I have a question: Its ok when I serving with penhold grip and playing other strokes with normal shakehand? I invent a new serve which is good for me and I using it and then quickly change grip. Its OK?

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi Marian,

Here's a video answer to the exact question you aksed:

Penhold Server Shakehand Player

Erriza Shalahuddin

Erriza Shalahuddin Posted 11 years ago

Ma Long's Backhand "Hook" Serve (That's how I myself call it)

Watch in 4:34 carefully.

Hi, coach, can you make video about this serve?



Oliver Posted 11 years ago

To answer the original question: definitely William Henzell. His tomahawk serve is pretty much unique and also his pendulum serve is very hard to find

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