I am hoping you would clear my issue. I have a player that has a strong flat smash which he uses to his strength by setting it up. The only problem with this is he would sometimes get it off the table I would say probably 70% he gets the point. Also when he does this he always follows through but some players are able to return it and he is caught out of position.
My question is I always have him doing in practice a top spin FH attack but he ends up doing a flat smash instead during the games. Should I keep trying to have him do the topspin FH or have him perfect his strength with flat smash?
Thank you.
Hi Greg,
I think it is a matter of getting a balance between the two strokes. Learning when to smash and when to topspin. The 30% that he is missing may be better to approach with a topspin to add some safety but I wouldn't get rid of his smash altogether as it is obviously a strength in his game.
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