Hi PingSkills.
can we do a sudden serve ? (for example when i take the ball up then i suddenly serve, or any kind like that)
is it still legal or fault ?
please for the answer :D
Hi Frendy,
You need to wait till your opponent is ready. The umpire would probably call a let and get you repeat the serve.
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DHS Lover Posted 12 years ago
oh i see.. thank you :D
Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
I guess it depends on the umpires judgement but you might lose the point. Hence it's probably best to try and play fair and serve when the player is ready.
Douglas Hill Posted 12 years ago
I played an opponent who would wait till I was set to receive, then hop to the forehand side and serve immediately. So far as I know, the hopping itself is legal, but I don't think it was legal to toss the ball over to the forehand side so he could hit it as it descended. He never did it in front of an official.
Martin Elliget Posted 12 years ago
It's funny what people will try when not in front of an umpire/referee. I remember one guy who used to try to surprise his opponents about when he was going to serve. He'd pause for a bit, look across the room away from the table and, when his opponent inevitably looked around to see what he was looking at, he would all of a sudden do a fast serve :) As umpire, I called let on these surprise serves.
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
That would be a fault as the ball wasn't going up almost vertically. Hard to call when there is no proper umpire though.
Yes some players will try anything... I have seen these done to Jeff a few times too... oops... that was by me in our match.
bertus bertus Posted 12 years ago
I like to experiment with the mental part of TT. Kinda fun to "annoy" the opponent just a little bit. :)
- When opponent makes a nice score streak I pause the game by grabing a towel or tie my shoes.
(break his rithem)
- When serving, act like you are going to serve soon and then when the opponent is all ready and focust to receive, bounce the ball on the table a few times more and then serve.
(Hopefully the opponent loses his concentration a bit)
- If the opponent is emotionaly weak, make a nice and loud "shooeeeeww" sound while staring at opponent when scoring a good point. (could get him even more frustrated and as a result he could make even more mistakes)
Are these kind of tacktics unfair behavior in your opinion?