Suggestion for ply


Pankaj Sidana
Pankaj Sidana Asked 11 years ago

sir , 

i wanted to change my ply .. I'm currently playing with butterfly sardius .. 

I have a doubt between butterfly zhang jike and tibhar h39 .. 

so can u suggest me which would be better out of these both? or any other ply which is similar to these ones ..

thanku ..

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Pankaj,

I really don't know much about those blades.  Others may be able to help.

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Thoughts on this question


dan Posted 11 years ago

I play with the Zhang jike blade and it is really good. I use it with hurricane 3 neo on my forehand and tenergy 80 on my backhand. The Zhang jike blade has arylate-carbon in it. It is an offensive blade so I would reccommed to use fairly fast rubbers. You will probably will want to some more reaserch just to check you know what your getting. Sorry but I do not no anything about tibhar h39

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