Suggestion for premade bat chopper


Yogesh Dhotre
Yogesh Dhotre Asked 8 years ago

Hi Coach, 

Can you suggest me as a intermediate chopper player which attribute I should concentrate more while selecting a bat, Spin or Control?? 

I have shortlisted few premade bats as per my budget,  can you advise me which one will be good for a chopper. 

1) Butterfly tbc 401

2) butterfly 303 shakehand 

3) Xiom muv 4.0s

Any other suggestions from your side will be highly appreciated. 



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Yogesh,

They all look pretty similar to me.  If anyone has played with some of these bats could you please help out Yogesh.

The most important thing with these types of bats is the quality of the rubber.

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Thoughts on this question

Yogesh Dhotre

Yogesh Dhotre Posted 8 years ago

Thanks for ur quick reply...

Can you answer my 1st question?  Which factor is important for chopping?  Spin or Control? 



Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Focus on control first.

Nicolas Matthew

Nicolas Matthew Posted 8 years ago

I played with both butterfly tbc and 303. Both is quite good for chopping, but mostly less spin chop or even float ball. I suggest trying nittaku premade bat. Far from good but I guess its ok..

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