Hi coaches!
Now I have no blade. I want to by new blade. I have a new rubber xiom vega asia. Can you give suggestions about which blade should I choose.
I think I am a blocker. During the game I usually do block, push. If the ball is not fast then I can do forehand spinny topspin against block and backspin. If the ball is on my backhand side, I usually push or do block.
I played with primorac off-. By this blade I could do very spinny topspins, but they were too slow that high level opponents could easily do counter attacks. My blocks were also very slow that my opponents could continue attacking until I do a mistake. But with this blade I could do very fast spinny backhand flicks.
Then I played with donic ovtcharov carbospeed off+. It was very hard blade. By this blade I could do very fast blocks that most of my opponents couldn't cope with speed of my blocks. My forehand topspins were low enough and fast. But with this blade it was very uncomfortable to play with backhand. I couldn't do backhand topspin, my backhand flicks were very horrible. That's why most of my opponents won me only by playing on my backhand side. I had adjustments on forehand but couldn't do adjustments on BH side for a long time, so that I lost my interest of playing table tennis. That's why I sold it. I think I need a softer blade.
Can you help me to choose a new blade?
Hi Ardak,
I would go with an OFF rated blade. You can also consider having a slightly thinner or slower rubber on the backhand side to give yo more control.
I don't have any specific recommendations of types of blades but other readers may be able to help.
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Ardak . Posted 7 years ago
Thank you, coach!
Ardak . Posted 7 years ago
Hi coaches!
I almost have chosen the blade. I understand that I need some light OFF blade. With heavy blades for me it is difficult to do BH topspin. Now I need a suitable rubber. Can you help me choose a blade? I want a rubber with much spin and conrol. Which rubber do you suggest?
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago
Which rubbers are you using at the moment?
Ardak . Posted 7 years ago
Hello, coach! Now, my blade is yasaka ma lin carbon (off rated).On FH: xiom vega china. On BH: donic barracuda. But I bought them already used (old). Now I want to buy new rubbers. As I said above, I want to buy something spinny and with very much control. But can there be such rubbers? For example, tenergy 05fx was very spinny, I loved its spin and speed, but with less control for me. I have poor technique. As I said above, I can do only forehand topspins against block and backspin. Can't do bh topspin against backspin. I usually do pushes (50%), blocks(40%) and fh topspins(10%) during the game (average).
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago
Try using a slower rubber. Use Mark V till you develop control there then you can use a faster rubber again.
Ardak . Posted 7 years ago
Thank you, coach!